Pray For Your Leaders

Pray For Your Leaders

World leaders need wisdom amid the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. As they seek answers for this unknown, unseen, and misunderstood virus, they face criticism at every turn. 

It’s easy to get sucked into the news and conversations with our fellow citizens as to what is going on and what might take place in the coming days. We all have our own opinions of the situation, but regardless, our leaders need our prayers. 

Man does not understand this virus. God does. Man does not know the future. God does. Man needs God’s wisdom. God will give it. Pray for them.  

People around the world are living in confinement, awaiting news on when restrictions will be lifted. We look forward to when families can gather again, sit in cafes, and run to the store of our choosing. 

Our lives have been consumed by what is taking place by COVID-19 and what tomorrow may bring. We have questions. We are looking for answers. 

I cannot imagine the burden world leaders carry each day trying to make decisions for millions of people about something unseen and unknown. I imagine they are consumed with thoughts about what to do next. 

The Holy Spirit speaks to all men, believers, and unbelievers in times of national crisis. Regardless of their heart, regardless of their motives, God turns the hearts of men by the prayers of his people.

I encourage you to look to the Bible as your example of how to pray for your leaders. Trust God will use him or her to restore your nation. God can put a Joseph or a Daniel alongside them to provide specific knowledge for the days to come. 

Pharaoh was not a believer and he worshipped other gods, but the Lord chose to speak to him in the night through two dreams. The Lord stirred his heart to know they meant something serious and he sought out someone to tell him what they meant. The Lord led him to a man of God to interpret those dreams. (See Recurring Dreams)

Nobody in the land of Egypt knew what was to come, yet God prepared the nation by speaking to an unbeliever. God shook Pharoah’s heart to know he needed to listen to the advice of another and led him to Joseph.

We don’t know if and what God has spoken to leaders around the world about the events going on today. We can pray and believe that God will do the same among the nations. I pray they will seek out Christian men and women to guide them in ways no man can. 

Our leaders need a Joseph or Daniel to come alongside them. Pray they listen to men of God and have the confidence to follow through on God’s instructions especially when things don’t make sense. 

It didn’t make sense for Pharaoh to take the advice of an inexperienced, uneducated businessman who said there would be an impending famine; a man who suggested they store food for seven years. Don’t underestimate the power of your prayers for your leaders, your nation, the world. It may be you.

We serve a God of restoration and with the Lord’s guiding hand, the nations will not only return to a place of health and vitality again but to a state where all men will recognize there is but One God whereby all men must be saved. His name is Jesus. Acts 4:12

We are living in unprecedented, uncertain times. One day we will look back and have vivid memories of where we were and what we did when COVID-19 spread around the world and caused a global halt to our daily activities and the economy.

The world can offer you no guarantees. Every day will bring something new, good or bad. Life is unpredictable, but God is always faithful, steadfast, and unchanging. Pray. Pray for your families, your leaders, your nation.

“I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings 

“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” Philippians 4:8

If you want to discover how to walk in peace and hope during uncertain times, take the advice found in Philippians 4:8: which focuses on what is honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful, and kind. Philippians 4:8

Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash


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