Rooms and Furniture in Dreams

Rooms and Furniture in Dreams

ROOMS/FURNITURE – Constantly being updated

Joel 2:28-32 and Acts 2:17-21

When we have a dream that doesn’t leave us, we need to take time to seek the Lord’s face and unpack the dream. When Jesus taught the parable of the sower and seed, he explained it by simply replacing the symbols with what made sense to them. Dreams are personal and in a similar way, strange symbols or objects in our dreams may need to be exchanged for what makes sense to us.

WARNING: Before you dive into trying to unpack your dream, PRAY!! If you have not sought God first for the meaning, STOP AND PRAY. Second, I encourage you to read related Dream Tips and Tools, which can provide guidance on how to handle dreams Biblically. God created us to dream. God Dreams Are Like Puzzles. Know Your Enemy. The Sophistication of the Devil.

The words of man should be confirmed by the Word of the Lord. We can gain wisdom from others, including tools such as dream symbols to help make sense of what we are seeing in the night, but it is the Lord who determines their meaning and the final interpretation of our dreams. Genesis 40:8. Do not be deceived by those who say they interpret dreams.

Dream dictionaries are but a tool. Over the years I have made notes on what the Lord revealed to me from dreams that made little to no sense upon waking up. Many of the symbols below include what God spoke to me personally, but many have a universal message. For example, too often people will seek out a dream dictionary to know what the meaning is of a bed in their dream. In general, a bed represents a time of rest. I’ve seen too many times individuals take it at face value and never seek the Lord for further understanding or any understanding for that matter. Context matters. The Lord may be trying to tell you it’s a time to get up and get going. It could be a warning. Don’t be lazy. Without listening to the Lord, you may miss what beautiful message he has for you.

I hope you find this to be a helpful too but remember, the Bible is your ultimate source to gain wisdom and understanding of your dreams.


Attic: Memories; where things are hidden. Storage (mind, i.e., spiritually or physically).


Basement/Cellar: Storage (good or bad). Something hidden. Darkness, hell. Declining spiritually.

Bath: Unclean; cleansing, refreshing, renewing. Baptism. (See Tub.)

Bathroom: Rest. Entering a time of repentance and spiritual cleansing. Nakedness – humility. (See shower or tub, toilet, sink.)

Bed/Bedroom: Place of rest, intimacy. Lazy, idle. “Asleep at the wheel”


Chair/Couch: Authority. Throne of God (“God sits at the right hand of the Father”).

Clock: God’s timing is perfect and not the same as ours. God will make his time clear. Running out of time.

Closet: Clothing, i.e., “Clothed in righteousness.” Covered by the blood of the lamp.” Could also represent the heart, storage (hiding something). Adornment. Materialism. Armor of God - are you using it, or does it just stay in the “closet”? Style of clothes, i.e., lustful, conservative, priest, etc.


Den: See Office.

Door: An opening (discern good or bad). Protection (blood covering). Salvation. Shut-in, isolating oneself from others. Demonic. Closed off (heart). Exodus 12:21-28; Proverbs 18:1; John 10:7-9; Revelation 3:20; Revelation 3:7-8


Elevator: Going up or down spiritually. A situation in which there is a time to hop on or hop off. No progress. Mark 16:15; I Corinthians 15:58; I Corinthians 16:13


Garage: Idle. Storage. In need of a spiritual tune-up. No progress.


House/Home: Hospitality. Personal. Condition of the heart (oppressed or possessed (unclean home). Church, ministry. Spiritual covering. Spiritual renewal (interior renovation/decoration); Delivered from a demon (clean house) or demon-oppressed or -possessed (unclean home). Wisdom. Peace. Proverbs 24:3-4; Isaiah 32:18; Hebrews 13:2.


Kitchen: “Welcome to the King’s table.” Fellowship. “Come to the table,” bread of life. Hospitality. Open to all. Indulgence/gluttony. Matthew 22; Luke 16:21; Revelation 19:7-9


Living Room ( “A home is your castle. Gathering, fellowship. Open to all. (See House.)


Office: Work, planning. Ministry, i.e., pastor, teacher, evangelist, apostle, office of prophet.  Unnecessary work. Ephesians 4:11-12


Photographs: Memories. Desire to return to the past. Pay attention to what and who’s in the photo. Not the “whole picture;” whole story. Jeremiah 30:2-3; Isaiah 43:18-19; Habakkuk 2:2; Philippians 3:13-14; Revelation 1:19


Refrigerator: Cold-hearted. Cold church or person. Without love. Matthew 24:12; Revelation 3:15-16


Shelves: Where wisdom and knowledge are stored. Head knowledge. (See Bookcase.) Proverbs 3:13-18; Proverbs 9:10: James 1:5

Shower: Cleansing. Spiritual rain. God coming down. Latter rain. Lack of rain (famine, i.e., spiritually or physically.) Isaiah 45:8; Isaiah 55:10; James 1:17; James 5:18

Sink: Cleansing. Washing. Submerge. Acts 2:38; Acts 22:16

Sofa/Couch: See Chair.


Table: Eat at the Lord’s table or at the table with demons. Relationships, fellowship. Communion with God; (writing table, work, decision-making). Serving the Body of Christ. Psalm 23:5; Luke 22:30; I Corinthians 10:21

Toilet: Cleansing of sin. Repentance. Malachi 2:2-3; Acts 3:29

Tub: Cleansing, refreshing, renewing. Baptism. (See Bath.) 2 Corinthians 7:1; I John 1:9


Window: “Window to the heart.” “Guard your heart.” Psalm 37:4; Proverbs 4:23

Photo by Nathan Fertig on Unsplash

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