Teresa Odden

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The Abyss Vision

I began praying for a woman who reached out to me after reading my blog. We’ve exchanged some emails and from that, I began following her on Instagram. I have never met her.

There was a day I knew the Lord wanted me to pray for her. I prayed a blessing over her home, her son, her studies. Soon after I began, I had a vision. There was a separation of dark on the left and light on the right. I saw what appeared to be a black wall on the left, like an abyss. The light on the right represented her home, though there was no visible picture of a building. What kept ringing in my head was that her home was “her space.”

The Abyss Vision:

The two sides were divided and from a natural perspective, I didn’t recognize anything between the two pictures. There was a separation like you'd see a yard between two homes, but there was no color, just making a distinction of two sides. Part of the knowledge I had separating the dark from the light had something to do with her mother.

I knew the Lord was asking me to pray against the enemy’s attack and that whatever is buried in the abyss would not rise up against her; including anything connected to her mother.

After I journaled the vision in the early morning hours, the Lord made it clear to send it to her. Not knowing what she thought about God-visions, I was hesitant to send this to a stranger, but I knew I was hearing the Lord correctly. Still, because it included her mother and because I didn’t want to come across as negative and appear judgmental, I asked God repeatedly, “Am I supposed to send this to her?”

I knew I had to be obedient to the Lord and I knew, know, everything the Lord does for us is for our well-being. My role was simply to be obedient to the Lord and leave the rest to him. I prayed and asked the Holy Spirit for help on how to convey his message in a way that would encourage her, not cause fear, anxiety, or discouragement.

I conveyed the following: “The wall of darkness that is trying to come against you cannot breakthrough. The enemy doesn't even know what he can pull out of the abyss and throw at you because your walls are fortified in Jesus.”

May the enemy remain ‘in the abyss,’ and on the other side. He cannot breach what God is doing through and in you. Don't let the past or present invade what God has planned for you.

 ”Your space:" It’s not just about your physical home. ”Your space," is also spiritual, mental, and financial. “Home is where you are.”

"No weapon formed against you will prosper and every tongue that rises against you will be condemned." Isaiah 54:17

I didn’t want to leave her with a negative message or one of fear, as many may feel hearing about an abyss and a possible attack from the enemy. However, because she has a close relationship with the Lord, her spirit was prepared to receive from the Spirit of God a message of hope and encouragement.

It’s evident how God stretches out his hands across the earth, across time zones, state lines, and to people who we have never met to minister to one another. And because she is willing to include this on the blog with you, I know God’s strength and power and glory are being exhibited and exalted.

God has no borders. Do not put restraints up and around God.


Shortly after I notified her that I had been praying for her, she had a disturbing dream. The enemy did not waste time tormenting her of past sins. Like the vision portrayed, the enemy dug up from the abyss past sins she had already been forgiven of. He threw them at her in full force.

The enemy was trying to spew it out of the darkness and into her light, home, and life, but he can only get control when we act upon those thoughts and temptations. She stated, “I woke up terrified, scared,  and disoriented. I almost lost every word of encouragement God sent me but I continued to pray as best as I could.  My words to God were few and broken but he kept sending me a word that he heard me, and that he loved me until I was able to relax.  2 Corinthians 10:3-6

Almost shattered, she pressed through and she began praising the Lord and rebuking the enemy. She also stated, “I stood as best as I knew how on God’s promises that the gates of hell cannot prevail against me while recalling the vision you had already sent to me.”

“The enemy cannot break through the “spiritual fortress” God has put up around your home.” Her confidence is in the Lord her God,” I prayed. Matthew 16:17-19

“I had already planned to fast when I woke up from the dream because recently, God led me to a ministry on Youtube who discusses dreams and he gave a short list on the type of dreams (witchcraft) that require fasting immediately upon waking up. My mom was angry with me in my dream and I was angry with her so I knew it was serious,” she wrote. Unknowingly, she had come to learn that her mom had been connected to witchcraft and her mom had tried putting curses on her and use those curses against her.

It was only through the Holy Spirit that I, a stranger, could have known to pray for her and in a specific way. It was only through the Holy Spirit that her heart was prepared to receive God’s word and message and that the vision connected to her mom and what attacks to pray against, i.e., witchcraft.

Do not ignore that still small whisper of the Lord. Praise God for these warnings.

I am praying that God will dispatch his angels and keep them encamped around every aspect of her life, i.e., physical home, son, studies. Glory to God who is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient. Oh how good the Lord is to protect us when we don’t even know how we need protecting. Amen!!


 We continued to communicate via email and again, only through the Holy Spirit, I suggested she read my Ndebele Dream. It’s about a doll I received as a gift years ago and the Lord asked me to toss it. This came to mind for her to seek God. Perhaps there was something the Lord wanted her to get rid of that was connected to her mother.

(From Can Evil Spirits Possess Objects?: “An object has no spirit, therefore, a demon can’t inhabit it. I believe, however, that a demon can cling to things and will use everything in the natural realm to influence the environment to whatever extent we allow them to.”)

Prior to this vision, she had shared how God was emphasizing the importance of using her birth name on Instagram as opposed to a different profile name. She asked what name I preferred to be called by. She did not know that for the last several months’ God had been impressing upon my heart how much of our identities are in the name we have been given. Spiritually, God was putting us into the same conversation with him. He is truly remarkable and to be praised.

The Lord had been communicating to me about my identity in him and how the enemy is trying to strip people of their identities. Read God Knows Your Name.

God worked a miracle when she walked through her home. What appeared to be a dream of darkness, God turned upside down to bring freedom.

She wrote the following:

“Today was a day of miracles. I received your other email first thing this morning and I thought, there is nothing elementary about these instructions and recommendations. I am aware of them, however, I thought that since the Holy Spirit led you to repeat them again for me, there is something I need to pay attention to. Almost instantly, I decided to get rid of every single photo of my mother. While searching and uprooting, I came across an old CD Rom disk with photos on it (nothing bad here), and when I checked the content, there were old photos of me doing a project for someone where I had to wear a name badge that said, "Hello! My name is Loner."  I was posing in front of different buildings and the entire project was based on me navigating through life alone. I remember the man whose idea it was vaguely, and I do remember that when he first explained it to me, it sounded very melancholy, but I paid it no mind at the time--I was still young--this was back in 2008 when I was only 24 years old; I didn't know anything about covenants or demonic labels. These photos were a stronghold because the nametag calling me "loner" prophesied a life of singleness. I broke the disk in half while declaring that the covenant is broken.”  

“God revealed to me last night through an old Elijah List prophetic word from Lana Vawser: there was a section in the word that reads "Battle over the dream world," and basically, the enemy has been tormenting me with dreams in areas where I have experienced my greatest disappointment and hurt. --so it was amazing for you to recommend that in your email this morning because it was another miracle of confirmation for me.”

 Summary: Don’t underestimate what God wants to do through you when you suddenly think of someone to pray for. Ask the Lord:

·      ”What should I pray?”

·      “What do they need?” You may get a specific verse, a song, or you might get a vision to encourage them.

·      ”What am I to do with this, Lord?” He may ask you to reach out to them, such was the case here. He may not. Regardless, you have no idea what the person on the other end is in need of.

God revealed to her the importance of keeping her “spiritual walls” protected and fortified. She did it through praise, prayer, and fasting to ensure there were no obstacles or objects that would cause her to think negatively or hold some demonic distraction in her life. God was very specific.

Can you imagine what this beautiful woman of God may have had to endure from her mother’s practicing of witchcraft if I hadn’t taken a moment to pray? She didn’t know what was going on in the darkness, but God did, and God warned her so that the gates of hell would not prevail against her. I am so humbled and thankful to God for using someone like me in another person’s life.

When God impresses the name of someone upon your heart and unexpectedly, don’t neglect to pray for them. “In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other’s spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out.” Ephesians 6:18 MSG

“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:3-4 ESV

Related posts: Can Evil Spirits Possess Objects; Ndebele Woman Dream