Teresa Odden

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Revelation is in the Waiting

I was in Paris with my sister and her family a few years back. We were at the Eifel Tower and for those who haven’t been there, underneath the large, steel beams is a gelato stand. I think it’s a landmark as much as the tower; a strategic trap for parents. It was no different for her four children.

I was intrigued with my nephew Lucas’s choice; a pastel, purple, lavender gelato.

“Is it good?” “What does it taste like,” I asked. “It’s good, really good” and with each lick, he tried to describe the flavor. Lucas paused and said, “I can’t explain it. You’ll have to try it for yourself.” I took a taste and came to the same conclusion. It was unique and to appreciate it, you had to try it for yourself.

Even though it was overpriced, I purchased a scoop. Like the French do so well, it was one of a kind and well worth the cost and calories. Whoever made this put a lot of love into it. It was divine!

With my natural senses, I saw, smelled, and touched Luca’s gelato, but it wasn’t until I tasted it that I appreciated it.

It’s the same when I visit a foreign land. I want to take in the local atmosphere and recognize the differences from my homeland. For me to appreciate the culture, I sit in the town square, take in the sights, sounds, and smells around me that have gone on for centuries. It’s not about me conforming to the familiar, but embracing that which is unfamiliar.

Travel broadens my thinking and I have a greater appreciation for what I have. Different people and cultures impact me and I rarely return the same.

There are many who don’t see the value of spending money to travel, but for those who love to travel, it becomes rather intoxicating. We’re always looking for the next adventure.

Living the God-life is similar. God stirs within me the desire for more of Him and I don’t want to leave God’s presence without expecting and embracing the unfamiliar. I want to leave changed, but I must be willing to take time to sit in the “square;” a space set aside to see, hear, and smell the sweet fragrance of God.

I try my best to be descriptive of who God is and what He does, but no matter how much I try to convey the beauty and glory of God's presence, you must be willing to "taste and see that the Lord is good" for yourself.

When you are willing to sit and embrace more of God and enjoy His glorious presence, it’s like the lavender gelato. Indescribable!

When Moses came down from the mountain after being in God’s presence, he was different. “His face had become radiant because he had spoken to the Lord … the people of Israel saw the radiance of Moses’ face.” Exodus 34:29-30

The days and weeks Moses sat with God on the holy mountain was not time wasted. It was life-changing.

Take time and embrace the new with God and give Him permission to reveal the secrets of His heart (Amos 3:7):

  • Be positive: Instead of saying, “I can’t find time to pray and read my Bible,” wake up each day excited how easy it is to spend 10 or 15 minutes with God.”
  • How much do you value God? Value means,the worth of something in terms of the amount of other things for which it can be exchanged.” What are you willing to exchange each day in order to show God that He is the one who is of greater worth? 
  • Discipline and self-control: Effort is essential to spiritual growth. We need to live a life that is marked by the discipline of spirit and soul if we expect to receive daily revelation from God.
  • Turn off technology: My mind wanders less when I put my phone on vibrate and don’t respond to a text when I do my devotions. I try my best to keep from logging into email or other social media platforms, but this takes strict discipline. Give God your full attention and ignore everybody else.
  • Don’t give the devil credit: I imagine many of us have been caught in the trap of distraction and too often we blame the devil for being too busy in our chaotic world. However, the trap is not being too busy, the trap is that we accept his lie. There’s always a sufficient amount of time in a day to be with God. It’s time to stop giving Satan credit for the choices we make.
  • Find the best time of day where you can give God meaningful time: Whether you’re the taxi mom, soccer dad, working a double shift, choose a spot and be alone with God (i.e., home, the car, a park). When I was raising my children, quiet time for me worked best when I put the boys to bed. Mornings didn’t work because I’m a clock watcher. It was the time of day for me to linger a bit longer with my friend, Jesus.

The secret things that belong to God will increase to those who abide in Him with their time (Deuteronomy 29:29). I mentioned in Vacation and God that a 10 or 15-minute devotional is the easy part (should be anyway). Most often, a revelation to hear and see with our spiritual senses comes in the waiting.

Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.” Ephesians 4:23-24

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Vacation and God

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