Teresa Odden

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Listen for God's Voice

I was spending a morning with Jesus and as the distractions of my day began to fade away, a stillness came over me. The Bible says, “Be still and know that I am God!” Psalm 46:10.

I stopped praying and listened for the voice of God. As I sat motionlessly, God’s still small voice began to whisper words and instructions. These words would become a promise and guide how to increase my faith towards a future writing career.

The message God gently spoke was: “I will, I said, therefore, you can. I will, I said, therefore, you can.” Over and over God repeated these words. In the quietness of my spirit, He finished with, “Read this until you believe it.”

I didn’t want these precious words and instructions to get lost in the pages of my journal, therefore, I kept them in my Bible. Over the next few months, they were the first words I read and prayed each morning.

The more I repeated “I can” because “He will,” God increased my level of faith. It became a pivotal point where my trust in Him was renewed to do something different and new for God.

I began to see the possibilities of something tangible just by taking time in God’s presence and listening to His voice.

If you have struggled trusting God, I encourage you to do your own search in the Bible of God’s concrete promises. Whether God speaks personally to you from the Bible, through His still small voice, in a vision, or through another, we can be certain that when He says “I will,” He will.

BibleGateway is an excellent website that you can search a word or phrase in your preferred version of the Bible. I have no doubt if you search “The Lord said,” “God said,” and “I will,” it will increase your faith to believe He is taking care of all the details in your life.

Below are a few examples. I encourage you to pick a few to read and reread them until you believe God is working mightily in your life in the same way He did to those in the Bible.

Search the Bible for promises specific to your situation and do as Jesus said, ““read this until you believe it.”

The Lord Said:

Genesis 4:10; Exodus 4:6; Judges 6:25

God Said:

Genesis 1:3; Genesis 6:13 “So God said to Noah … “Exodus 6:2 “And God said to Moses …”

I Kings 3:5 “That night the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream, and God said, “What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you!”

I Will:

Genesis 2:18, Genesis 6:18 “I will make a helper who is just right for him.”

Deuteronomy 4:10 ‘Summon the people before me, and I will personally instruct them. 

Joshua 8:18 Then the Lord said to Joshua, “Point the spear in your hand toward Ai, for I will hand the town over to you.

Ezekiel 20:41 “And I will display my holiness through you as all the nations watch.”

Joel 2:28 “I will pour out my Spirit upon all people.